Tuesday, September 23, 2008

When I said she looked hot, I didn’t mean it LITERALLY!

To try and describe the indescribable is always a challenge, but here goes... Your lover's hot flashes usually begin as a sudden feeling of warmth that can quickly rise to a feeling of intense heat over the face, scalp and chest. This may be accompanied by redness, perspiration (oh come on… it’s SWEAT!) and in severe cases, increased heart rate, tingling in the hands and feet, a creepy “skin crawling” sensation and nausea. Even with cute little fans and mint juleps for relief, this is no family picnic (except for the humidity and bugs), and this is definitely NOT her idea of a HOT time. I'm pretty sure it's not you're idea of one either.

No Sweat…

Close on the heels of the raging fires of hot flashes comes her evil twin, night sweats. Usually occurring in the early morning hours (between 2 and 4 am) night sweats are hot flashes with the added feature of waking you up in sheets so wet that your first reaction is to ask “How did I get in the swimming pool? I don’t even have a swimming pool.”

Sleeping with a woman in the midst of night sweats and hot flashes is a little bit like sleeping with an automatic bed warmer (and not "in a good way").

Both of these symptoms are affected by the hormonal changes beginning in your lover's body, but they can also be triggered by outside factors including spicy foods, hot drinks and emotional reactions to tension, anxiety and stress. The intensity and frequency of hot flashes and night sweats can be significantly reduced with diet changes, herbal treatments, and various estrogen treatments.

Natural herbal treatments can be quite effective, without the weirdness and side effects of more aggressive pharmaceutical treatments, and as I mentioned in the first post yesterday, some folks I know have got the greatest product of that sort that you can imagine.

Check it out at http://www.meomen.net and remember that they have a 60 day MONEY BACK trial.

I'm tellin' ya... this stuff works.

If you don't believe me... drop me a note at gene.skinner@gmail.com or even give me a call at 415-215-2793.

Monday, September 22, 2008

I do fine with a little...

I've been following the work of Brian Andreas at Storypeople for about 15 years. Every day I get a new story and picture on my home page. Sometimes I share them with others.

The one today seems rather appropriate to share with you.

Ready... Set... Go!

I've been wanting to write this blog for quite some time.

I have been on the male side of a female partner moving into menopause on two previous occasions and at present I am doing it again.  

Let's just say... it ain't pretty.

At the same time... let's face it, unless you're the kind of asshole who dumps out when the going gets tough, you care about this shit.

I know. 

It's not only a major pain to struggle through the ways in which your lover turns on you like a bobcat, or stares you down like the Wicked Witch of the West if you suggest the possibility of an amorous evening, but it also is something that makes you sad... makes you struggle... makes you want to DO SOMETHING damnit!

Like I said... I know, because I've been there.

So I'm hoping that what you guys (and I'm hoping it will indeed be mostly guys... though women are certainly welcome) will do, is participate along with me.

Ask questions... make comments... vent frustrations.

There are women out there who are driving us crazy. We care about them, we love them, we want them happy and we want them feeling great. It's not all altruistic obviously, if they feel better, we feel better... We ARE guys after all.

So... come along for the ride with me. Let's see if we can't help each other out.


In the meantime... I really want you to check out this site and this natural herb product it offers. It works... it helps.. and hell, there's even a money back guarantee.